What is JAM!’s premium and subsidy optimization service?

In the Netherlands, there are various subsidies to tap into. Some of them are automatically granted, like the LIV (Low Income Advantage), but some need to be actively requested from employees or the UWV. JAM! makes sure you optimally utilize all of the premiums and subsidies you are entitled to.

We arrange:

For a fraction of the price it would cost you to do it yourself. JAM! charges the sharpest rates all-in, with no extra fees.

Premie en subsidie optimalisatie

You are missing out on money without knowing it

  • You don’t have a clear overview of the amount of subsidies and premiums in the Netherlands.
  • You have no idea if you are utilizing all subsidies and premiums.
  • It costs you a lot of time to apply for the subsidies yourself.

JAM! makes sure that you are using all of the subsidies and premiums you have the right to as a hospitality entrepreneur, which decreases your labor costs.

De voordelen van JAM!

The benefits of JAM!

No longer missing out on money

JAM! makes sure you optimally utilize all of the premiums and subsidies you are entitled to, which saves you from costs.

Advice on wage optimization

Get advice on the classification and possibilities of wages to maximize your subsidy.

Access to employees in the subsidy target group

JAM! has access to a pool of qualified employees categorized in the subsidy target group, which decreases your labor costs.

Sharp price with fixed conversion factor

JAM! handles a fixed conversion factor per worked hour. This way, you are never confronted with additional taxes. This also applies to (long term) absenteeism, vacation days, vacation money, et cetera. Our factor is all-in.

Ron Blaauw

‘The collaboration with JAM! is perfect because they are proactive, flexible and take a lot of stress off our shoulders.’

Brouwerij Troost

‘We have grown and we don’t have to worry about the back end of our staff at JAM!. I couldn’t have done my job without them.’

AIR Amsterdam

‘We have a large staff. For payments, we would need a full-time person in the office. And we prefer to outsource that.’