The JAM! Academy: hospitality courses for higher productivity and more fun

What changes a hospitality employee into a winning waiter, a kitching king or a duke of dishes? Right: his/her hospitality, service and quality! Somebody can self-evidently been born with these character traits, yet a lot can be taught, too. And that starts with a solid basis. For that reason, we started the JAM! Academy, where clients have the opportunity to let their employees follow online hospitality training. In other words: it’s an investment worth making for a successful hospitality business.

What does the JAM! Academy entail?

The JAM! Academy is home to a big amount of basic trainings – think of a general introduction, social hygiene and mise en place. Are you searching for that extra ounce of knowledge for your employees? Then there are advancement courses for e.g. wine and beer, but also for managers. The theory in it comes from HorecaHero. These trainings can be executed by your employees in the blink of an eye. The fact is that the JAM! Academy is available through the dashboard of MyJAM!: the brand new online portal by JAM!. Both client and staff can spot this very easily!



Moreover, you’re able to check who has accomplished a training. Would you like your new staff members to follow the training ‘Hospitality’ at the moment that they’re hired? No problem: these employees will receive an invitation for the concerning training and can start immediately! All trainings contain a possible time slot, which means those need to be done within a certain matter of time. If a staff member fails at this, you will receive a notification. Self-evidently, you can extend or shorten the time slot.

How does the hospitality training look?

The training consists out of a basic instruction, relevant information and test questions. After every piece of instruction, questions concerning this info will follow. This way, you can test exactly if your staff member has remembered this knowledge! The kind of questions range: there are ABC-formats, ‘true’/’not true’ possibilities and questions where one links two answering options to one another.

JAM! Academy hospitality training

The standard success rate of a hospitality training is situated at 80%, which means that an employee needs to answer at least that percentage of questions correctly. You can change that level as a manager. Has a staff member received a score lower than 80%? Then you’ll be notified. Through the JAM! Academy, it’s possible to plan a meeting with an employee to discuss the test result. Furthermore, you are able to schedule, for instance, a training day for a group of employees and have everyone do a hospitality course at the same time.

Jam Academy training question

Your very own signature training

Next to using the existing JAM! Academy trainings, it’s also possible to create your own online course with us. We carry all the knowledge and expertise to create a signature hospitality training for your business. So do you have a format in mind or is there already an onboarding for your staff that you’d like to transfer into an online course? It could all become reality. We work with a young and dynamic team, and we enjoy the latest software. Thus we can create amazing courses inexpensively and quickly.


You could contact our Marketing & Communication Specialist Paul (email address: without any obligations. He’s happy to look at the possibilities with you. Make sure to follow our social media pages (LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram) for more updates about MyJAM! and the JAM! Academy. In case you haven’t downloaded the MyJAM! app, you can do so below by clicking on one of the buttons.